Steps to Make Ultimate Chicken Shami Kebab

Chicken Shami Kebab. Chicken Shami Kebab Recipe, Learn how to make Chicken Shami Kebab (absolutely delicious Serve it with coriander or mint chutney,. This Chicken Shami Kebab recipe is Excellent and find more. Here is the best Chicken Shami Kabab recipe you will find. #HappyCookingToYou.

Chicken Shami Kebab Transfer this to a processor or a blender and blend to a coarse mixture. The mixture has to be fairly dry and powdery. Shami Kebabs are small spiced chicken patties, normally served as a starter in Indian restaurants.

Hey everyone, it is me, Dave, welcome to our recipe page. Today, we're going to make a distinctive dish, chicken shami kebab. One of my favorites. This time, I'm gonna make it a little bit unique. This will be really delicious.

Chicken Shami Kebab is one of the most favored of current trending meals on earth. It is simple, it is fast, it tastes yummy. It is appreciated by millions every day. Chicken Shami Kebab is something that I have loved my entire life. They are fine and they look fantastic.

Chicken Shami Kebab Recipe, Learn how to make Chicken Shami Kebab (absolutely delicious Serve it with coriander or mint chutney,. This Chicken Shami Kebab recipe is Excellent and find more. Here is the best Chicken Shami Kabab recipe you will find. #HappyCookingToYou.

To begin with this recipe, we must first prepare a few components. You can have chicken shami kebab using 21 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Chicken Shami Kebab:

  1. {Get 350 gm of Boneless Chicken.
  2. {Take 75 gm of Chana Dal.
  3. {Take 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric.
  4. {Make ready 1/2 teaspoon of coriander powder.
  5. {Prepare to taste of Salt.
  6. {Prepare 1 of bay leaf.
  7. {Prepare 1 inch of cinnamon stick.
  8. {Make ready 1 teaspoon of Cumin seeds.
  9. {Get of Water as required.
  10. {Prepare 1 inch of ginger chopped.
  11. {Take 3 of garlic cloves.
  12. {Get 2 of eggs.
  13. {Prepare 1 teaspoon of garam masala.
  14. {Take 2 of red chilies.
  15. {Take 1 teaspoon of red chilli powder.
  16. {Take 2-3 of green cardamom.
  17. {Get 1 of green chilli finely chopped.
  18. {Get 4-5 tbsp of chopped coriander leaves.
  19. {Make ready 2-3 tbsp of mint leaves.
  20. {Take 1 of small onion finely chopped.
  21. {Make ready As needed of Oil for shallow frying.

See recipes for Chicken Shami Kababs too. This article is part of the series on. Shami kabab or shaami kabab, is a local variety of kebab, originating from the Indian subcontinent. Chicken Shami Kebab are those melt in your mouth, soft and smooth appetizers, great for parties and get togethers!

Steps to make Chicken Shami Kebab:

  1. Clean and soak chana dal in warm water for 3 hours. Slice chicken into small pieces. Add salt, red chilli powder, coriander powder,turmeric, salt, garam masala to chicken and mix well. Keep it aside.
  2. Drain excess water from Chana dal.
  3. Add chana dal, chicken to pan. Now add water just covering them. Add cinnamon,cumin seeds, bay leaf, cardamom, red chilies, garlic, ginger and salt to water. Mix well.
  4. Cover and cook until tender. Discard bay leaf and strain excess water. Allow to cool completely. There should be no moisture to mixture.
  5. Coarsely blend the mixture until it's dry and powdery.
  6. Add onions, green chilies, coriander and mint leaves to mixture. Mix well.
  7. Beat 1 egg in a bowl. slowly add spoonful to mixture and mix everything together until it forms a dough. Check for salt and spices, adjust if required. Do not add all the egg mixture at once.
  8. Heat oil for frying in a pan. Divide dough into equal portions. Shape them like balls and then flatten them like cutlets.
  9. Beat second in a bowl. Dip the kebabs in egg, shake off the excess. Now place the kebabs in pan and shallow fry on both sides until golden brown. Alternatively this can be deep fried or baked too.
  10. Drain excess oil over tissue paper. Serve hot with mint chutney/Sauce.

Serve them with a green chutney side. Put the chicken with all the ingredients in the first batch into a pan. Add half a cup of water and simmer gently until the chicken is cooked and the rest of the ingredients. Shami kababs are one of the famous recipes of Pakistan and India. Chicken shami kebabs are now one of the most popular recipes amongst Indian food lovers.

So that's going to wrap this up with this exceptional food chicken shami kebab recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I am sure you will make this at home. There's gonna be interesting food at home recipes coming up. Remember to save this page on your browser, and share it to your loved ones, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!

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